Monday, May 11, 2009

He always knew me...but this is how I came to know him!

I want go "all the way back" like to grade school. (I will save that for another day) But, I will start at January 30th . This was one of the hardest days of my life! I found my dear friend (Louise Barbra Brooks-Deval) after she had apparently died sometime the night before!! She was 92 years old and I helped take care of her as she was dying with congestive heart failure. I imediatly went into shock, denial, you know all the natural phases. I was sooooo hard hearted and MAD..yes MAD! I asked "WHY?" I blamed myself! I honestly set on the back porch so angry with our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! And I prayed "Dear God if your not to mad at me by now, help me, I don't know how to do this thing called life! Nor do I want to anymore! BUt, if your there help me!! Do it for me, just for a little while and I will follow!"
I had been going to church off and on with my fiance and his family. One Sunday afternoon, at Jim Woodell's small group class I asked "How do you know if your saved?" I must add at this poit I was sooooo hard hearted, empty inside and the only thing I knew was that if I died I didn't want to go to hell! So, I just wanted to make sure my "ticket" was stamped! Well, Mr. Woodell said "We need to get togeather sometime and talk about that" Grrrrrr! NO NO NO! Just give me a quick answer and let me get out of here I thought! But, after a phone call we had set up a "meeting" at which I set up where I only had about 30 mins of time! After we started talking and reading the bible..I decided to stay and continue talking. Before I knew it I was getting Baptized that very night! From that night on God took OVER!!!!! I decided that if I was going to hang around thease "Christians" I might as well quite smoking! and to fit in I might need to read a little bit in Bible. Since then I can't STOP! I finished the New Testiment and am now in Exodus! And our dear Lord has blessed me one right after another...and now I know why Jim set up our little "meeting" ....because, if someone is asking "Am I saved?" they probably are not...I thank the Woodell's for their love, my family for their patience, and Jesus Christ for dying for me! P.S. It was about 1 month to the day from my prayer "for help" that I got Baptized!

1 comment:

  1. All praise to God, our friend and Saviour,Jesus, and our constant companion, the Holy Spirit.
