Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Blessings!!! They KEEP coming!

I am trying to remember all the blessings that I have recieved in the last 2 months...and I can not even count them!!!! Thease are a few: 1.I abtained a job. (Since Louise passed I had not even wanted a job...however, after March 10th when I was Baptized a dear friend asked me if I wanted to come work for her). 2. Brian's mom took some of the money Louise "left behind" to fix all of my teeth!!!!!! and the dentist (who is a God Send that goes to our church) gave us a discount. 3. I was blessed to encounter a lady who is a Jew and the lord used me to witness to her about Jesus. 4. I have spent the last 25 years of my life batteling depression and other issues. I had come to the point of great emptiness...so that I could avoid the pain...I became COLD, "HARD", even maybe mean at times and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I can tell you this I HAVE NOT had not even one day of depression since my great "dunk" (baptisim)5. I picked up a little kitty who was lost from his mommie and I prayed "God please help me find a good owner for this kitty, in Jesus name I pray Amen" and my 2nd stop headed home a lady said "I am looking for a barn cat" ....I cried and thanked him. You know I honestly believe he loves us sooo much that even the little things -if we have faith and it is in his will then in EVERY aspect of our life he will come through!!! There are many more but I am trying to not get to "scattered brained" (so that I make sense) :)
I hope the Lord can shine through my blogging to help just one person. I sure know that
everytime I start going over all this in my head-I am blown away. You know I am so undeserving of all that he has done for ME!!! But, I love him and thank him!


  1. I enjoy you blog and promoted it with mine: http://westcoastwitness.com/2009/05/12/identity-in-christ-and-an-encouraging-new-blog/

    Jim is my dad and has been telling me good things about you - keep up the posts! I'll be reading.


  2. Thanks wes right now I am on dial up and my connection is sooooo slow I am unable to "go very far" on the net without it freezing up..but I plan to read your site in the near future!
