Saturday, May 16, 2009

Just a thought...

I am noticing this-once I decided to take one little-bity-ity step toward him...he has actually grabbed my hand and lead me..never letting go! Once I begain reading my Bible and praying....everything is starting to fall into place like I love going to church, helping my fellow man/woman, I have a pretty constant smile on my face (even through situations that before would of really caused me to fall). I am starting to enjoy doing the good/right things in life. Like on my days off I want to get as much work as I can around the house as I can . I know this is not me it is him that lives in me. Because, I myself am nothing. But, I have had people ask me things about the bible or try to tell me things and I can "fight" the good fight with my "sword". I was blown away last night when I was able to answer someone questions and even give them the chapter I was talking about. I thank the holy spirit for taking over for me and using me as a vessel! I am conswtantly thirsting for more of him!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


That's the book I'm in and am beginning to enjoy it. I am finding that God doesn't leave room for doing certain things any other way then how he wants it done!!! It is amazing! He also had really firm punishments! Which makes me come to think that he dislikes disobedience very much!! I have always herd "the road to heaven is narrow, everyone is invited, but few get it " I still find my self dealing with certain aspects of my life that are maybe "lacking"-for example sometimes I get overwelmed and let anger get a hold of my mouth! I know not "cool" right? However, everytime I sin now days I KNOW at the VERY moment I feel a "pin-prick" in my heart!!!
Ok, if anyone has anything to "Add" -i.e.:your thoughts/point of view please comment! God Bless!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Satan thinks he's "big" but I know God's bigger!

I had a very unusal encounter today. I would of been worried ...and maybe for a min. I was untill I remembered this "But, the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3
What happened was : I was on my way home when I saw a couple who I have known for a sometime (not very well) But, I knew them enough to be able to say they claim to be "Satan worshippers" ...actually I was driving right behind them. When they started driving really really slow and even drove up on the side of the curb. So I eased on around them hoping to either "Avoid" them or maybe pass on a word about Jesus. And as I came up on them they began to flip me off! I was already waving and I realized they were "angry" for some reason. I just kept going and then they even acted like they were going to "ram" me. They kept going straight when I turned off the road. But, I could feel satan like trying to "worry" me! I praise the lord for putting his hand down to protect me. I love you Jesus and thank you! All glory to him!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

(Just a quick add-on)

I am working on not forgetting to give all glory to God! I myself am NOTHING without him! It is not I that does anything "Good" it is him and only him using me! Thank you Jesus!

Blessings!!! They KEEP coming!

I am trying to remember all the blessings that I have recieved in the last 2 months...and I can not even count them!!!! Thease are a few: 1.I abtained a job. (Since Louise passed I had not even wanted a job...however, after March 10th when I was Baptized a dear friend asked me if I wanted to come work for her). 2. Brian's mom took some of the money Louise "left behind" to fix all of my teeth!!!!!! and the dentist (who is a God Send that goes to our church) gave us a discount. 3. I was blessed to encounter a lady who is a Jew and the lord used me to witness to her about Jesus. 4. I have spent the last 25 years of my life batteling depression and other issues. I had come to the point of great that I could avoid the pain...I became COLD, "HARD", even maybe mean at times and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I can tell you this I HAVE NOT had not even one day of depression since my great "dunk" (baptisim)5. I picked up a little kitty who was lost from his mommie and I prayed "God please help me find a good owner for this kitty, in Jesus name I pray Amen" and my 2nd stop headed home a lady said "I am looking for a barn cat" ....I cried and thanked him. You know I honestly believe he loves us sooo much that even the little things -if we have faith and it is in his will then in EVERY aspect of our life he will come through!!! There are many more but I am trying to not get to "scattered brained" (so that I make sense) :)
I hope the Lord can shine through my blogging to help just one person. I sure know that
everytime I start going over all this in my head-I am blown away. You know I am so undeserving of all that he has done for ME!!! But, I love him and thank him!

Monday, May 11, 2009

He always knew me...but this is how I came to know him!

I want go "all the way back" like to grade school. (I will save that for another day) But, I will start at January 30th . This was one of the hardest days of my life! I found my dear friend (Louise Barbra Brooks-Deval) after she had apparently died sometime the night before!! She was 92 years old and I helped take care of her as she was dying with congestive heart failure. I imediatly went into shock, denial, you know all the natural phases. I was sooooo hard hearted and MAD..yes MAD! I asked "WHY?" I blamed myself! I honestly set on the back porch so angry with our dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! And I prayed "Dear God if your not to mad at me by now, help me, I don't know how to do this thing called life! Nor do I want to anymore! BUt, if your there help me!! Do it for me, just for a little while and I will follow!"
I had been going to church off and on with my fiance and his family. One Sunday afternoon, at Jim Woodell's small group class I asked "How do you know if your saved?" I must add at this poit I was sooooo hard hearted, empty inside and the only thing I knew was that if I died I didn't want to go to hell! So, I just wanted to make sure my "ticket" was stamped! Well, Mr. Woodell said "We need to get togeather sometime and talk about that" Grrrrrr! NO NO NO! Just give me a quick answer and let me get out of here I thought! But, after a phone call we had set up a "meeting" at which I set up where I only had about 30 mins of time! After we started talking and reading the bible..I decided to stay and continue talking. Before I knew it I was getting Baptized that very night! From that night on God took OVER!!!!! I decided that if I was going to hang around thease "Christians" I might as well quite smoking! and to fit in I might need to read a little bit in Bible. Since then I can't STOP! I finished the New Testiment and am now in Exodus! And our dear Lord has blessed me one right after another...and now I know why Jim set up our little "meeting" ....because, if someone is asking "Am I saved?" they probably are not...I thank the Woodell's for their love, my family for their patience, and Jesus Christ for dying for me! P.S. It was about 1 month to the day from my prayer "for help" that I got Baptized!